Japan's International Relations Resenha crítica

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Japan's International Relations - resenha crítica

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ISBN: 415587433

Sobre o microbook

The latest edition of this comprehensive and user-friendly textbook provides a single volume resource for all those studying Japan's international relations. It offers a clear and concise introduction to the most important aspects of Japan's role in the globalized economy of the twenty-first century. The book has been fully updated and revised to include comprehensive discussions of contemporary key issues for Japan's IR, including:the rise of China;reaction to the global economic and financial crisis since 2008;Japan's proactive role after 9/11 and the war on terror;responses to events on the Korean Peninsula;relations with the USA and the Obama administration;relations with Russia, Central Asia and the Middle East;changing responses to an expanding and deepening European Union.Extensively illustrated, the text includes statistics, maps, photographs, summaries and suggestions for further reading, making it essential reading for those studying Japanese politics and the international relations of the Asia Pacific.A note on the cover:The cover illustration entitled 'Double Standard' is a Japanese manga penned by satirical artist Ichihanahana in November 2010 regarding rising Japanese nationalism, Japan-China tensions over the disputed territory of the Senkaku islands and the US presence in Okinawa. This manga demonstrates many of the key themes in Japan's ties with China and the US, but also a number of other central features of Japan's international relations as explored throughout this text.

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